Leadership Part 5: Leadership and Influence

From the Camp Fire to the Kitchen Table: A six part blog series on leadership and change practice. 

In parts 1-4 of this series we established that tomorrow’s leaders will be selfless, flexible and ready to collaborate. We discovered that leadership is about bringing the best of you to the table and about leaving your own ego at the door. We know that we are part of a vast interconnected social network that has more power than we could possibly imagine. We are now ready to join the dance and to influence the network.

How can we influence others?  How do we enable change? Unfortunately, “behaviour change” programs are often cringeworthy. We cannot change other people’s behaviour. People change their own behaviour. We can help to create the right conditions for people to change for themselves. To do that, we need to be open to learning, taking advice on our own improvement from others.  

People are complex. As we learned last time, what we believe and what we do are shaped by our social networks. But other factors are also at play, including our upbringing, our background, where we work, the weather, when our last meal was, what news we consume, how much battery our phone has left and whether or not we ran over the neighbour’s cat this morning. 


In his book “Change or Die”, Alan Deutschman says that there are three ways to enable others to change, and three ways that we know do not work.  Deutschman uncovers that neurologically, fear, force and facts do not work. In fact, 87% of facts are made up on the spot (*joke*). It is now well established that when people are provided with facts or information that counter their position, they simply retreat further into their ideological position. People will deny facts, or misread, obfuscate or cherry pick data to suit their worldview.  Some even write like this in national newspapers.
Fear can stimulate temporary change, but at the expense of teamwork, confidence and participation.
Force creates enemies and a lot of long term pain. 

Neuroscience shows us that what does work is the three R’s: Relate, Reframe, Repeat. 

  1. Relate

A master of change will first build respectful relationships. It does not begin like Charlton Heston on the hill. It begins with conversation and connection. With chat and eye contact and body language that gets our mirror neurons firing and makes us feel like we’re around the campfire. And speaking of the campfire, the modern version is the kitchen table and the modern tools are cake, tea, drink, music and the arts.  Becoming a master of change requires you to understand and use social lubricants, time, place, fun and conversations.


Social Lubricants

Early in my career, I spent a decade watching and emulating Francis Ryan from Vox Bandicoot using, as the strapline said, a “judicious mix of science, humour, arts and common sense” to bring strangers together with great effect. Frank would talk about how people awkwardly enter a room full of strangers move carefully around the wall watching and sizing up the others. This is an evolutionary trait. Imagine walking into a room in England in 850AD and finding the strangers had beards, axes and horned helmets. You would need to run, and quickly.  So when we first enter a room with new people, we are cautious.

Frank called it the “sniffing” phase of a relationship, because the allusion to dogs sniffing each others’ butts made people laugh. With that humour, he could help people who had been strangers laugh together, breaking down the first wall of social awkwardness. He would then hand them a streamer and ask them to throw them together and follow their streamer through the crowd saying hello to people, introducing themselves and sharing stories. Doing this without a streamer is awkward. Doing it with a streamer is fun, engaging and makes people feel like they are back at a kids’ party. The noise level in the room goes up substantially as people begin easily chatting and building relationships. Frank used to say that, “A streamer is a social lubricant for the bedrock of culture: the conversation”. The conversation is where we find common ground, areas of mutual interest, locate people in place, find common interests and build community. Cake is another helpful social lubricant. Tea is a brilliant reason to sit down and chat. Someone playing a guitar is a wonderful connector and a glass of wine can lead to all sorts of fun conversations. I’ve lost count of the number of people I know who put up solar panels only after a cuppa and some cake at the neighbour’s kitchen table whilst discussing power bills, inverters and pay back periods. 

Our society doesn’t generally regard these social lubricants seriously. Frank was often accused being “kidsy” by “serious people” or, more commonly, by people who were worried about the potential reaction of serious people. Many times Frank and I were told that the Sustainability Street Approach needed to be more “mature”, despite the fact that ALL communities reduced water and waste and energy by at least 30%, built wonderful local relationships and created fantastic local projects. Other “serious” programs got nowhere near these results. We have become conditioned to regard ties and suits and barren meeting rooms as “serious” and communities meeting in lounge rooms with streamers as “trivial”. What needs to change is our attitude to change. Relationships work because they are powerful at the human scale. Arts and music and cake help bring people together to build relationships and have conversations that lead to change. It is therefore the “serious” who are blocking change. If we do want change, then we need to lighten up and go with what works: human scale. 


Many leadership and behaviour change projects are too short. In creating and delivering the Sustainability Street Approach to over 300 communities, we found that community building can take 18 months for a neighbourhood. This is how long it takes to build trust, respect, common ground and to be working together with purpose. Frank created a metaphor to help communities understand for themselves where they were at on their change journey. Clouds, Rain, Rivers and Oceans:

  • CLOUD communities are forming and nebulous. They don’t really know each other and have a low level of understanding of sustainability and change practice. They need time - an 18 month period of learning and development. They need hand holding and expertise.

  • RAIN communities are beginning to move. They are starting to organise and plan together. They are learning and growing and enjoying being together. They will be actively involved in planning their own journey, moving towards what they are passionate about.

  • RIVER communities are flowing together. They know each other, know who they are and what they want and they are going for it.  They are creating projects and plans and have purpose. They will tell you what little help they need, be it a contact or a grant or a venue.

  • OCEAN communities are wave makers. They have completed projects together, have solid relationships built and are now using what they have learned to educate the surrounding community. Oceans can do great things in six months.  They just need you to clap your hands and look excited and to say “go for it!”

Once you know which phase your community is in, your community can organise together how to spend your time. Clouds need more education time and Oceans need more gatherings to plan. All groups need to continue to focus on building and maintaining relationships. They all need cake and tea. 



Communities who are a local social and geographic unit are much more likely to succeed together than a group invited to the town hall from across a city or region. Sustainability Street worked because people were over the side fence from each other. Relationships, once built, were kept up easily over the watering, the school walk, the local shop walk, bin night and all the other small interactions that happen on a street.  Sustainability Street communities reported feeling safer, healthier and more connected than they had been before the program. Each of the Victorian State Government social indicators rose during the projects. Place based relationships were central to success. Conversations happen first and communities come out the other end. 


The good news is that what is required to relate to others is deeply ingrained in our humanity. We’re social animals who love being together. The environmental movement is a people movement. We need to bring people together and get them talking, sharing, experiencing and enjoying each other. The process should be participatory, open ended and fun. Be the Guide Beside rather than the Sage on Stage. We are all teachers and learners. None of us know exactly what ideas will be needed to create a sustainable future. We need to encourage many people and many ideas to emerge. One way to do this is to teach people that common sense and everyday action is as important to the solution as an environmental degree. Another way is to prioritise having fun together. As Frank Ryan said, “If we have fun saving the world, the world will be saved.”



Conversations for change are a Frank Ryan special. According to Frank, there are three steps to a conversation for change: 

Small talk is big talk: saying hi, smiling, making eye contact and chatting about the weather or the footy tipping is how respectful conversations begin.  Mirror neurons begin to fire and we begin with a sense that we have common ground and a shared humanity. 

Nobody interrupts the flatterer: just try it. A positive comment about a person’s work or a recent achievement or a recent family event is the way to a person’s heart. 

Offer to help: Now you can hone in on what needs to change. This person can enable the change to happen. So mention what it is and offer to help them. You’ll be amazed at the difference this makes. 

Relating is Nurturing, not Controlling

Controlled leadership is the brochure and the lecture. These are simple and traditional, have their place, but largely do not work. The behaviour change effect of a brochure is nearly always zero and we are likely to forget much of what is said in a lecture. The Guide is a big step up. The guide walks with learners, having conversations and building relationships. It is harder and deeper to be a Guide. To be a Nurturer is the goal. To nurture someone or a group is complex, messy, risky and powerful. The metaphor is having a baby and bringing it home wondering how you are qualified to look after it and then nurturing like crazy for twenty years after which you have a functioning adult.

Unfortunately, governments tend to fund brochures when they should be funding nurturers. Nurturers use social lubricants, time, place, fun and conversations.


Whom should we Relate to?

Who should we attempt to relate to? Below is a chart showing a bell curve of society with a small group of innovators, a larger group of early adopters, the early majority, late majority, laggards and skeptics. It’s called The Law of Diffusion of Innovation. Many people think that to create change we need to convince the late majority and laggards to change their minds. What we actually need to do is work with the early adopters, or the people who are ready to change. It is the early adopters who have always created change in every social movement throughout history. They inspire the early majority, who pull the late majority along. Work with the purple people below! Skeptics almost never change, but that doesn’t matter in many cases because the world has left them behind. So consider this: We do not have to convert deniers, delayers, lobbyists or Kev at the pub! What we need to do is to have a chat to the smiling person at work who wants to change.  Frank would always say: “play to the smilers: they’re the ones who are ready.”  It is important to say, alongside talk of values and vulnerability that we should never aim a program at the lowest common denominator: the people who do not want to know or learn. They will not create the change our society needs anyway. Politely ignore them. We want to bring the change agents with us; the early adopters and the front end of mainstream society. Think about this next time someone says “you’re just speaking to the converted”. As Annie Leonard, creator of the ‘Story of Stuff’ once said: “the only way the world has ever changed is when the converted get together and make change happen!” 


2. Reframe

Reframing is helping people move from an emotional state to a thoughtful state. Picture an angry Basil Fawlty becoming Rodan’s The Thinker. The best example in popular culture is in Disney’s the Lion King, where Rafiki the wise baboon helps Simba to move from angry and defiant and guilty to thoughtful and purposeful and ready to change. He does this with humour, silliness, by asking questions, and by creating a theatrical journey through a forest to a mirrored pool where he recognises his father in himself. He teaches Simba that the past can hurt, but the best way to deal with it is to learn from it. Simba was then ready to change of his own accord.

Masters of change use stories and support techniques to help people.

Reframing through stories

Reframing in real life takes time. And that starts with conversations. Consider a far right wing politician on energy. They can sometimes think that renewable energy is a hippy, communist, one world government subsidised hoax. That can be easily reframed in their language of “jobs and growth” by telling a story of the local renewable energy jobs and growth that will be created by building a new energy network that is locally owned, everywhere, in real time and online. It’s had to argue with a big exciting new project that will be the economic engine for the next industrial revolution in their electorate. Most electorates do not have fossil fuel jobs anyway. There are fewer and fewer jobs in the old energy system anymore and plenty available in the new. 

Helping others Reframe their thinking


The neuroscience of leadership says that in order for people to change we can help them focus on solutions, help them create their own answers and help them stay focused on their own insights. You might have noticed that the ego of the leader must remain at the door. Telling people what you know about the answer is unhelpful. We’ve already established that the Charlton Heston (the mostly old, mostly white, mostly male standing on a hill telling us what to do and think) doesn’t work. The entire process is about the learner and where they are at. With support and encouragement and time, they will reframe their thinking themselves.


Reframing and Community Development 

The concept of reframing aligns perfectly with community development processes created in the 1960s.  The community development process is to start where the learner is at, to hand over control to them and to make yourself redundant. Once again, your knowledge about the subject is irrelevant. Your knowledge about the process is everything. Northcote Community Development legend Caty Kyne once told me the story of the jug and the mug. The jug, filled with all of the knowledge, pours it into the poor mug, the empty vessel who must sit there on the table and take it. This is the opposite of community development. As a leader your job is to nurture people as they go on their own journey and to pull back when they are ready to step up. As the anonymous quote goes, you walk with them and then you watch them dance. You may have lots of hand holding and encouraging at first or you may not. Depending on where they are at, you may be able to make yourself redundant in a day, week, a year or a decade. This cartoon perfectly reflect this leadership journey: 


Ultimately, if the education is relevant to people and they have control over the process and the outcomes they will make it fly. Helping others reframe their thinking means asking them questions, not providing answers.

when the people create the program, then you get action.
— Malcolm X

3. Repeat


Practice, Repetition and Priming

Have you ever seen a three year old wanting to read the same book again and again? Or balancing a stone on the wall again and again? How about a musician practising for a decade before joining a symphony orchestra? Or the Beatles playing ten hours a day in Hamburg? Thomas Edison tried over 2000 times before a light bulb lit up. The more you practice the more you see answers. Frank Ryan used to call this phenomenon the Blue Volxwagon theory. If you owned a blue Volxy, you saw other Blue Volxys everywhere. If you didn’t own one, you never saw them. In neuroscience language it’s called Priming. Our minds can be primed with a small number of subjects uppermost in our consciousness and if we see something related to these subjects in the world, they jump out at us and are noticed. If you want the answers to being a leader in the sustainability movement, then lift sustainability up in your consciousness by thinking a lot, practicing a lot, trying a lot. When you’re done trying: repeat.


Practice hardwires change

Neuroscience tells us exactly what is going on in the brain and how important repetition is for change. The first time you discover something new its exciting. You have a moment of insight. This is sometimes called an “AHA!” moment. You have probably had lots of them: at conferences, at school, at work in a meeting, on the way home or in the shower. In the brain, there is a high energy burst and connections form across the brain. It feels great. But only practice hardwires the change. In other words, if you pick up a tennis racquet for the first time and hit a few balls and then don’t do it again, your brain will forget how to play and you’ll be a beginner again next time. But if you practice again the next day and the one after that, the links in your brain become hardwired. In an expert, a chemical called myelin has formed a sheath around neurological connections associated with the expertise, hardwiring them in and allowing them to travel 10,000 times faster than a beginner. If you can match practise with talent, you’re more likely to be a star. 

Concentrating attention on your mental experience, whether a thought, an insight, a picture in your mind’s eye, or a fear, maintains the brain state arising in association with that experience. Over time, paying enough attention to any specific brain connection keeps the relevant circuitry open and dynamically alive. These circuits can then eventually become not just chemical links but stable, physical changes in the brain’s structure.
— David Rock and Jeffery Schwatz, the Neuroscience of Leadership

Time enables the contemplation that leads to mastery

Repetition as a change process is also important because change is not a linear process over time. the beginning is slowest. A learner must first decide to change, then try the new behaviour out. After they have tried for a while they enter a period of deep thought. How have I been going? How could I improve? What should I try next? There is then a time of trying and thinking some more. Only after much trial and testing and thinking and effort do we reach a moment of mastery. And only after that can you take your learning and create something new.  


In conclusion …

To influence others we can build deep relationships, build community and create the space for others to think imaginatively and critically and to try, fail, practice, learn and to grow for themselves over time. To influence others we need be a nurturer who is there for the long haul. Frank Ryan would say that a nurturer is an expert on tap, not on top. A tap can be turned on by others when they need it. He often said that when you are a nurturer, the camera is never off, meaning that what you do and what you say is always being watched and is therefore always important. What can you do today to nurture someone you know?

Here endeth Part 5 in this Leadership and Change Blog Series. Next time we’ll complete the journey from the Campfire to the Kitchen Table, with some words on what is possible when we come together in community in local places, with purpose, to build a better future. 


Imagine meeting your Financial Carbon Broker ...

“Hi, welcome to Victory Financial Carbon Brokers, your friendly ‘carbon down’ financial advisors. We’re here to help you rid your life of fossil fuels and in the process, to help you become rich. 

“Before we get into the details, some background. To play our part in the global challenge to keep global warming below the dangerous 2 degree mark, which might be too dangerous a mark anyway, the average Australian has a carbon budget of 400 tonnes left. After that, carbon - our old industrial revolution friend has to be ditched. The rising seas, the new strains of disease, the extreme weather events, the collapse of the ecosystems that allow life to flourish are just a bit too much at that point. Check the science

“So to break it down further, the average Australian currently puts 24 tonnes of the stuff into the atmosphere every year. So the average Aussie has 16 years left to ditch their carbon habit before they hit the 400 tonnes mark. And if you’re sitting here listening to this I’d guess you ain’t average. We here at Victory Financial Carbon Brokers think folks like you can do it in ten years to lead the charge. And don’t forget - we’ll make you rich.

“Are you still with us? Are you quite aware of the challenge? We want to make sure you’re in for the ride. We’re not talking about voting, or Facebook posts of disgust, or turning up to the odd rally, or changing the light bulbs. Hell, I bet you did that ten years ago!  We’re talking about changing who you are. About creating an economic and social revolution. A revolution with big winners and the biggest losers in human history. Those old fossil fuel giants that own government, the merchants of doubt, the coal, oil and gas mobs, they stand to lose 21 trillion dollars if we can keep the climate under two degrees warmer. 80% of known fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground. No industry has ever had $21 trillion in Stranded Assets before, but if we’re going to have a future … that’s what we’ve got to do. They are banking on you not changing who you are. On you buying their product. They have chosen to stick with the old and ridicule the new. 

“So are you in? Ok? Are you sure? Can you sign here then? We don’t take half-hearted clients. You have to be all the way in. The planet doesn’t negotiate. It just knocks us down and leaves the temples in the jungle. Or the desert. Or the crumbling statues.


“Ok. Step one. We’ll need to pull your super out of fossil fuels. Where is your super invested? Do you know? We can show you some great ethical investors that will look after your super and your future. It’s a bit quaint hearing fossil fuelled super funds talking about your future.  In the words of Paul Hawken, ‘they are stealing the future, selling it in the present and calling it profit or GDP’. Here are the forms. We can fill them in right now and we’ll help you make the shift. The funny thing is, you won’t be worse off financially. The ethical funds are doing quite well. The Australia Institute last year found that 1 in 4 Aussies are already thinking about this shift: that’s $247 billion that could be taken away from fossil fuels in Australia alone. 

Step two. Is your home loan with one of the big four banks? They all invest heavily in fossil fuels. Don't listen to their snazzy ‘sustainability’ tak. We can help you shift your loan and your accounts to a bank that invests in the future instead. Here are the forms. I can explain the exit fees, charges and help you get a good rate at your new bank.

“Are you still with me? The first two were pretty big. A shock to the system? You’re ok? Good ...

Step Three. If you own shares you need to get them out of fossil fuels and the banks that invest in fossil fuels. Let’s work out a great new portfolio with you that invests in the future as well as your future. The 2014 Climate Proofing Your Investments Report found that ditching fossil fuels made no difference to your returns anyway. We’re here to help make this as easy for you as possible. Here are our recommendations. Once again, you won’t be worse off, and when the carbon bubble bursts, you won’t lose all of your money either. Remember 80% of the stuff has to stay in the ground. 

“Right. It gets a little easier from here.

Step Four. Power. Are you with an energy company that supports renewable energy? That’s easy to change. The big old mobs are trying to protect their old business model and their super profits and their size. The future is renewable, decentralised, networked, online and efficient. In short: it’s small and innovative. The big old mobs are about to die like Kodak did. It’s like they’re trying to get the government to legislate for film when the world is racing to digital.

Step Five. If you have an unshaded north facing roof, put up solar PV panels. The cost is about $5K, the payback is about 6 years and after they’re up you can wipe your power bill basically for ever.  A million Aussie homes have already done it. It’s a complete no brainer.  It’s a better investment than shares and housing. It adds to the value of your home. When you sell you basically get your money back. We can help you find a good installer, get a quote, manage the power companies and even lease you a system if you don’t have the upfront cash. While we’re at it, if you have electric hot water it’s also a no brainer to switch to solar hot water. We can help.

Step Six. If your power bill is on the Australian average you’re paying $2000 a year and half of that is paying for wasted electricity. We can help you understand your energy use and to put together a plan of attack to reduce your bill by half. Most of the changes are low to no cost. The CSIRO suggests a saving of $1200 a year is possible. $1200 in your pocket every year is nothing to snort at. We’ll look at insulation, LED lights, sealing drafts, efficient appliances, low flow shower heads, hot water temperature, space heating, switching off and more. This UK study found energy efficiency can add 16% to the value of your house

“Overwhelmed yet? Don’t worry. Remember you have ten years to accomplish your carbon down journey. We’ll help you plan financially over the ten years so that you are gaining money each year, not losing it. And remember … this journey will make you rich. But from here on in you might have to alter your idea of success and fix up your ‘stuff’ related ego issues. A lot of folks out the have a severe case of Affluenza, as Clive Hamilton called it.  

Step Seven. Your going to have to ditch your car related ego too. If you drive on-road, get rid of the 4WD. It uses heaps more petrol and kills more people. The Joneses are buying smaller cars now. Just ask Ford and Holden. They kept building the big ones and fighting government fuel standards and they ain’t here any more…  

“Then, you have ten years to stop buying petrol. I know! It sounds crazy. But you signed on at the start. And you’re spending $3000 a year on petrol anyway. So stop it and you can save. For now, buy the most efficient car you can. And use it the least that you can. The average Aussie home spends around $1,000 a year running the car on less than 2.5km trips (47% of trips are under 2.5kms). 

Your car is costing up around $10,000 to run in total, so think about the number of hours you are working each day to pay for your car. And $10,000 is a lot of taxis. 

And then plan to join a car sharing group. Why own a car when you use it one hour a day? You will have a choice of new cars when you want and you’ll probably save $5000 a year. And you’ll drive a third less. As of December 2012, there were an estimated 1.7 million car-sharing members in 27 countrie. If you want income from your car as it sits there in the drive way, add it to a person to person car sharing scheme and earn some cash.

Then buy a bike. A Copenhagen study found that people who commute to work for twenty years by bike save $100,000, cut 94 tonnes of carbon and live seven years longer. A $1000 bike is not a bad financial investment. And get some good shoes; walking is even better. The average Australian spends $1000 on health every year, and another $4000 via taxes. The heart foundation suggests that 30 mins a day of active transport would save our economy $13 billion and stop 16,000 premature deaths every year. 

“For other trips, set up a car pooling group and if you still need a car buy the smallest one you can.  In the end you’re going to have to either move to a walkable area, or own a renewable energy powered electric car, or have some great public transport or car pooling options. We can help you manage the transition. 

“Once petrol is out of the equation, property values on the edge of cities are going to plummet and the value of walkable areas will skyrocket. We would advise that you move into town sooner rather than later to make sure you win from this change. One USA study found that every mile you commute in your car already costs you $795 a year. Put that on your home loan and you’ll save thousands in interest. This study said $15000 a year.

Step eight. As Clive Hamilton said, stop buying stuff you don’t need, with money you don’t have, to impress people you don’t like. The CSIRO thinks a third of your carbon footprint comes from the stuff we buy and the Australia Institute reckons we all spend $1000 a year on things that we rarely use. And we spend a lot more than that every year on stuff that we don’t need. We spend $2288 per year on clothes and shoes for example. How about halving that and buying quality and second hand? A clothes swap with friends? So save your pennies and buy quality, sustainable, fair-trade and for your needs, not your ego. The Jones are starting to think you’re a stuck-up ponce-face with all your useless stuff and your long working hours. Get a life instead! Work less, go hang out with your neighbours and replace ‘stuff’ with good times. 

“Ok. Is your ego surviving at this stage? Some folks are going to take a hit. But don’t worry. All the research points to a more wholesome, fulfilling life if we ditch our spending-money-ego-frenzy.

Step nine.  Change your diet. Michael Pollen has three dieting rules: Eat Food (food being defined as anything your grandmother would recognise as food), Mostly Plants and Not Too Much.  Follow these and you’ll drop your food carbon footprint a mile. Meat has a massive carbon footprint so eat it much less. Your body will thank you too. And the average Aussie home throws away $2000 worth of food a year. So save that money. And plant fruit trees, herbs and a veggie garden. Plant a fruit tree in the nature strip! Support your farmers market, support your local wholefoods store, support your local butcher and support environmentally produced food. This is going to require some deep thought and probably some overturning of common misconceptions. Sometimes food miles are less important than farming methods for carbon output for example.  There’s one more financial food sweetener to throw in for you: carrying a water bottle rather than buying bottled water saves $2800 a year.  

“So far all of these steps have been personal. Individual. That’s great. You’re helping to change the economy, our society and your life. We think the above nine steps will save you at least $10,000 and more probably $20,000 from the average annual Aussie household budget. And your super, shares and house loan will perform well and be saved from the big carbon bubble burst, which is either coming, or our civilisation slowly will slowly fall apart. Neither of which is a good outcome. Individual actions are brilliant and necessary. But they are not enough. We need to share and connect if we want to win this battle.

Step ten. Reconnect. Work less. Live more. Be with your kids. Visit your sister. Play in your street. Join a local environmental action group, join a choir, have four conversations as you walk to work, set up a workplace green team, kick a ball with a mate, have a dinner party with the neighbours. Share your journey with others. 

A Sustainability Street community

“Join the new economy. Set up or join a car sharing business, a community owned renewable energy storage facility, a bike share, a tool swap, a food swap, build a local park, plant a shared community garden for food and join a local group to revegetate your local creek. In short, build community.  

Final Thoughts: If you follow through on this ten year challenge, you will be happier, healthier, stronger, will live longer, you’ll feel better about your life, be supported by the strength of your community and you’ll be building your local economy for the future. Remember when we said that we could make you rich? Well … lets define rich. Yes, you’ll be at least $15K better off every year. That’s nice. But how much richer will your life be? Hugh McKay’s book The Good Life asks the ultimate question: What makes a life worth living? His conclusion, drawn from his research, is provocative and passionately argued. A good life is not measured by security, wealth, status, achievement or levels of happiness. A good life is determined by our capacity for selflessness and our willingness to connect with those around us in a meaningful and useful way.

“So steps one to nine will save you money and bring your carbon down near zero. But add in step ten and we may just help you create the wonderful, meaningful life you’ve always ached for.

“Are you up for it? Great!. Sign here, roll the sleeves up and let’s get going!” 

Did Civil Disobedience Change the World?

This is a story I tell a lot. It's about how the world is changed, told via one book and it's journey through major historical events. The ideas come from a few places, but mostly from the 2007 book "Blessed Unrest", by Paul Hawken, which incidentally, was given to me by my closest friend and wife Claire.

- Ian McBurney

In 1836, following a trip to a natural history museum in Paris, Ralph Waldo Emerson published "Nature" his seminal essay that argued that everything in nature is
connected. One of his students was Henry David Thoreau, who took Emerson's idea and applied it equally to human society.  In 1848 Thoreau published an essay called "Resistance to Civil Government". The driving idea behind the essay is that "citizens are morally responsible for their support of aggressors, even when that support is required by law".  Martin Luther King Jr later described the concept as follows: "one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."  Thoreau took this idea very seriously. He was jailed for refusing to pay his Poll tax, because it was being used to pay for the Mexican war, which he viewed as immoral. According to Thoreau, everything is connected and everything we do matters.

But the book's contents are somewhat of a side story here. After Thoreau died someone at a publishing house changed the title to "Civil Disobedience" and it's ideas immediately entered popular culture. We do not know the name of that person. The word 'disobedience' had not even appeared in the original text. But their simple act helped to change the world.

Fast forward 50 years and a young Indian lawyer in South Africa was part of a movement that was beginning to resist the racist authority. They had voted to burn their identity cards and risk jail, rather than obeying the law.  Someone (we do not know their name) at the Indian Times newspaper gave him a copy of Civil Disobedience, which helped solidify and explain his own passive resistance ideas. That young man was Mahatma Gandhi.

Fast forward to 1956 and another young man had just had his house bombed and had stationed armed guards outside. A friend arrived with a copy of Civil Disobedience and Mahatma Gandhi's biography. We do not know this person's name in popular culture either and yet a few days later King was espousing the concept of non violent resistance in his sermons for the first time.

We also do not know the name of the woman who set up the “Montgomery Progress Association” that elected Martin Luther King as the leader of the civil rights movement.  She stayed up all night to print the flyers for the Montgomery Bus Boycott that kicked off the American civil rights movement.

We know Rosa Parks. What we don’t know is that she was the fourth black woman arrested in the lead up to the Bus Boycott. An 18 year old woman had four
police officers drag her off the bus three months before.  Few know that Rosa herself had been previously assaulted by a bus driver. Following this, a white couple she worked for sent her to night school to study ... you guessed it; Civil Disobedience! Most of us have not even heard of this couple.  That night, December 1st 1955, when the bus doors opened, she was faced with the driver who had assaulted her. Not only did she get on the bus, but she refused to give her seat up to a white person, was arrested and the world changed again.

None of these people changed the world by themselves. The book Civil Disobedience didn't change the world either.  And this story is far too simple: thousands of other actors are unknown and left out.  We would not know the famous people in this story if many other people had not acted. Bad things happen when good people do nothing.  The world is constantly changed by many everyday people who do ordinary things. Every decision we make and every action we take matters.

Fast forward another 50 years and a phd by the name of Nicholas Christakis writes a book called "Connected: the surprising power of our social networks and how they shape our lives". He shows that when we have a friend who is obese we are 45% more likely to be obese ourselves. If we have a friend of a friend who is obese, we are 25% more likely to be obese. Even more amazing is that a friend of a friend of a friend (think about it: you probably don't know the person) who is obese makes us 10% more likely to be obese. The same is true for happiness and a range of health issues.   Nicholas's research demonstrates that “everything we do affects not just ourselves & not just our friends and relatives ... but also dozens, or hundreds & sometimes possibly thousands of other people.”

If we are to create a sustainable future we need to understand that every conversation, every purchase, everyreport, book, song, laugh and opinion is influencing change in the people around us and spreading far and wide through our community.  Mahatma Gandhi had a particular take on this. He said "be the change you want to see in the world".   He went further to describe how change becomes accepted over time:

“First they ignore you, 

then they laugh at you,

then they fight you,

then you win.”

As Paul Hawken said in Blessed Unrest "What distinguishes one life from another is intention, the one thing we can control. Individuals start where they stand and, in Antonio Machado's poetic dictum, make the road by walking. For Thoreau there were no inconsequential acts, only consequential inaction: 'for it matters not how small the beginning may seem to be: what is once well done is done forever."